Monday, July 15, 2013

Parenting over summer vacation and how I am going batshit crazy...

Summer Vacation

Warm Weather, Family Time, Kids Laughing

Batshit crazy mom…

I am finding myself being so repetitive that I feel like I am going batshit crazy at the sound of my own voice. I am sure every parent has a phrase or two that make them wish they had it recorded on a loop. I do think parents at home with kids over the summer get to lay claim on this version of insanity.

I figured I would share mine with you.

(wish I could give a source but there were about a million)

 No running in the house!

So I am not the cool mom who has games of tag in the house. I have friends who do and they are awesome and fun. Truth be told I don’t have room for that in my house. It’s not a small house but it lacks the open floor plan for tag, obstacle courses, and riding scooters.

Okay, true truth be told I probably wouldn't let them run if it did.

The question I have is; why do I have to say this daily, and several times at that? My kids have been with me their whole lives…

Where are you going?

We live in a neighborhood full of kids. If you remember most bore witness to me with no bra on. They ask in angle voices “Can we go out to play?” My 10 and 7 year old boys get shoes on and hold their four year old sisters hand and open the front door to go out to play.

In chimes mom “Wait, where are you going?” They look back like I am bat shit crazy. “Where are you going?” Blank stares for a few seconds and the older son says “Outside…” “Okay, I know that, where outside?” More blank stares...

Again, these sweet children have known nothing but my mothering… WHERE ARE YOU GOING…

What are you doing up there?

My kid’s bedrooms are upstairs; they think I can’t hear them at all when as any parent in a two story house knows the sound of them playing upstairs seems to shake the house. With that said when the house rattles at the same time as one grunts loudly and yet another makes a barking sound and another yells “I’m telling” a mom is forced to go to the stairs and yell “WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?”

The response is usually “nothing.” I mean really, we’re going with nothing… then I walk back to the couch with the balance of a wineo (not because I am drunk but because I am parenting from the couch as best I can)

Do you want to watch a movie?

Two things surprise me about this. One is that there are still family friendly movies in the NetFlix que that we haven’t watched; the second is that my kids still say yes. I thought they’d be tired of movie time with mom but they still say yes. Thank goodness because movie watching is something I can do. (or I can read a book while they watch)

Me reading A Game of Thrones 

Time to clean up.

I wish they understood I am just as tired of saying as they are of doing it. I love that we have lots of awesome things to do in the house but when they take off to play in the ever elusive ‘outside’ and I turn to see a table of art supplies in what I’d like to call beautifully creative disarray I know I will have to announce that it is time to clean up and be met with disappointed faces.

Your turn, what are you saying repeatedly this summer?


  1. oh my goodness I feel you on this!! Our boys actually had their first day of school today and I have never been more grateful for a year-round calendar! Individually they are awesome but all three together is instant squabbling and screaming and pretty much all the things that drive me nuts!

  2. ALL OF THE ABOVE! I'm really not sure I'm going to make it until September (when school starts here.). I feel like I let them play video games alllll the time because that is easiest. :P

  3. The summer is a time of adjustment for us, the kids all move back home from college/university. Hubby and I had become use to being empty nesters, then to have all three of our kids home again, well it is not easy.

  4. We have three weeks and counting until school starts again and I am so ready :) Having both of my kids home during the summer drives me nuts!

  5. Hahaha oh Carrie, I don't know how you do it! Your kids are the cutest though :) x

  6. you are a hilarious mom! i love the couch-family photo. too cute!

    i don't know how you moms (especially the ones with illnesses) do it! i spent the weekend with my favorite 2 and 4 year old, and i am EXHAUSTED. i was ready for a nap after about an hour!!

  7. Ugh I feel like my kids have watched more television and played more video games this summer than ever! I hate it! But with trying to juggle working from home and them being home with me it's insane. They are saying they've had a great summer but I feel like we haven't done nearly as much stuff as we usually do. Mom Guilt sucks!
