Wednesday, April 3, 2013

As Wordless As My Wednesday Gets, The WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge continues...

Wordless Wednesday: Post a picture that symbolizes Dysautonomia and my experience.

(yes I know, I have already put words down to explain Wordless Wednesday. I never said wordless was my thing...)

I opted to go personal and show me. I like the think of myself as a person with a lot more depth than 'the girl with a chronic illness' but the reality is I also feel split in two.

Dysautonomia has created a line for me and not just the one on my forehead that could use some botox. There is the before and after line, the one that like any major milestone divides life into two sections.

There is also the more ongoing line, the one that separates when you are doing well and when you are not doing well. For me the line is blurry and is ever changing. It is an unpredictable almost tangible guest in my life that has stayed far too long.

These are two sets of photos of me all taken within a few weeks to show Dysautonomia and my experience.


  1. Yes, what a big difference a few days can make with a chronic illness, but I see a beautiful lady with super inner strength in all photos.

    1. Thanks Kathleen, I love having your support!

  2. I love that you make sure to enjoy your life in between the doctor visits. I realize it has to be tough wondering when the next episode will happen, but you can't let that keep you down. Thank you for inspiring others to do the same. :-)

    1. Thanks Melanie, I try not to let it keep me down but there are plenty of times where it gets the best of me and opt to not do something fun because I may or may not have an episode. Life is tough stuff but better than the alternative ;)

  3. You're a lot braver than me! I don't think I have any pictures of when I was in the hospital. Thanks for being brave enough to share yours!

    1. I have no idea what I was thinking posting those pics ;)

  4. I never think of you as "the girl with the chronic illness." I consider you "THE LADY FIGHTING BACK!" and doing a hell of a job of it. Keep up the fight!

  5. I never think of you as "the girl with the chronic illness." I consider you "THE LADY FIGHTING BACK!" and doing a hell of a job of it. Keep up the fight!

    1. I love this comment. Linda sounds like a smart lady :)

      Great post, Carrie. I can relate, I certainly have my own "line", one that I still waste too much time obsessing over. I love that you included photos - so pretty - ALL of them.

  6. I love that you used words on Wordless Wednesday I found it so hard to not write anything as verbal diarrhoea is really my thing. I think the line is a hard one, well one minute, stuck in ED the next, you're so right it's completely blurry. xx PS you rocked that hospital gown ;)

    1. Well I am not much of a political radical nonconformist so I have to find my inner rebel where I can ;)

  7. i absolutely love how you explained this: the line between before and after. i'm sure the time before diagnosis is filled with a mix of emotions: frustration, fear, confusion, pain. But the "after" was probably stressful and a bundle of emotions as well. i can't even imagine. What a beautiful explanation and visualization that was!

    1. Thanks my bloggy buddy! Yeah to me its almost like marriage, children, and those kind of definitive things where even though you are still you something big has changed and you have a before and after.

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  9. I thought you were giving the camera the finger in the one photo....which I was totally ok with:P Hope it's a good day neighbor.

  10. Just what I needed, thanks a lot….
