Monday, March 4, 2013

5 things to think about before saying to someone with a chronic illness (especially if you are an ass)

In the chronic illness community we have a lot of inside laughs and some venting about things we hear pretty often. There is an entire website built around the ever so popular reaction of but you don't look sick. So I thought I would poke some fun at things I have heard myself and have had others tell me people have said to them.

~ The ever popular "but you don't look sick"

What I rationally know you are saying is "I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you are chronically sick, you look healthy" (I internally can replace healthy with 'smoking hot' if I need an ego boost)

What I hear on a grumpy day, or if you are in fact an ass "there is no way it can be that bad, you look fine".  If you can imagine for a minute the last time you were sick, remember that first day or the tail end of it when you were wiped out but had to get your act together to go to work, church or social event? Yeah, that is me on a good day. I can get my act together and with enough time I can get the hair done and the make up on. Please don't undermine my condition by my effort to have some normalcy.

~ You're on Facebook a lot / You post pictures a lot (replace with anything done from home really)

What I rationally know you are saying is "you're on Facebook a lot" see I am not irrational, I might even add an internal "you're on Facebook a lot and you are hilarious, I look forward to your posts". 

What I hear on a grumpy day, or if you are in fact an ass "Good God have you nothing better to do?" or "You post pictures doing things, it can't be that bad". Yes, I am on FB a lot. I have it on my phone and iPad which are with me all the time. I spend more time "relaxing" than most so I tend to use things like social media as a main form of social activity. I am not having lunch with friends or making small talk with work friends. I post pics pretty often because if I am putting the effort into getting out it is kind of exciting for me. When I am feeling good I want to shout it from the roof tops, so yep... you're probably gonna hear about it.

~ My Aunt (neighbor, sister's friend) had something like that and she got better after eating blah blah (taking blah blah or spontaneously healed after doing blah blah)

What I rationally know you are saying is "I hope there is a chance for you to be better one day" and I do to. 

What I hear on a grumpy day, or if you are in fact an ass "you are clearly not doing something well enough because my Aunt/neighbor/sister's friend is better now". I promise that I am in very regular communication with specialists. If broccoli is the cure I am going to hear about it. 

~ "At least it isn't terminal"

What I rationally know you are saying is "it could be worse, you have a lot to be thankful for". Let me tell you I don't take this lightly. I cannot imagine the impact a terminal illness has on a person and loved ones. I am thankful that my condition is not terminal.

What I hear on a grumpy day, or if you are in fact an ass "it's not like you're dying". By the way this was said to me by a doctor while in the ER... grumpy day and he was an ass... So is this the new measure on how I should weigh news? So the next time you get horrible news, something really upsetting, imagine the person delivering it adding at the end "hey at least you're not dying", seriously! At what point does someone else need to point out that the good news here is that you're not dying?

~ "You shouldn't dwell on it so much"

What I rationally know you are saying is "I worry that the focus on your not being well is negative". See, on a rational level I get what you are saying.

What I hear on a grumpy day, or if you are in fact an ass "OMG this again". This is life altering and impacts my family every day, even on my good days. There are many things about me other than my illness. I love reading, I have been an Army wife for more than a decade, I am a mom of four kiddos, I have a new fixation with hair braiding and am an loyal Walking Dead fan. I chose to be open about Dysautonomia. It was an decision my husband and I made, talking about the pros and cons of letting people know the details. If all you know about me is my illness then kudos to me bringing awareness to someone who didn't really want to get to know much else about me.

This post was brought to you by dumb things people say and ecards :)


  1. Perfect !!!..I know each of these all too well (unfortunately)

    1. I should add drink some coffee and take a nap for you! maybe there will be a part 2...

  2. That last ecard is priceless. You are awesome. Hope today is a good day.

    1. I love these ecards, they crack me up. The last one is great, when I read it in my head its William Shatner's voice.

  3. I Love this blog. I follow you on FB as well because I have three auto immune disorders that cause life altering changes to my life.
    I dont tell anyone because I dont want to hear the "well you dont look sick." Because I might punch em in the throat. I also am so afraid that no one will understand and that I will become a burden and pushed to the side because people are afraid of "Catching an Auto Immune Disease." The word disease seems to make idiots believe I am contagious or something. So I have changed the word Disease with Disorder and the looks and stepping five steps back away from me have stopped.......
    I am also a mom of 2 boys and 2 step daughters, my husband is the one that has to see me fall all the time, pick me up and laugh with me in front of our kids....
    Thank you for speaking out because I am learning that maybe I need to let the peeps in my life know what is really wrong.... Instead of them not knowing.....

    1. Thanks for following! I went awhile with only family and my closest friend knowing. It became to hard for me because I felt like my new friends (I had just moved, go Army life) would think it odd that I would have to cancel plans. Other things like mine is an invisible illness... until I pass out or start getting all convulsion-y.

      I was at a dinner with a bunch of new friends and my arm started twitching, then I started sweating and freaking out. After that hubby and I talked and decided I would "come out" and if I was going to let people know I was going to do it in as big of a way as I could. The birth of Just Mildly Medicated :)

  4. Oh my goodness! You are so funny and hit it out of the ballpark on this one. I got out of the cardiac unit a couple weeks ago and was out getting groceries and such because we were down to NO food. Somebody in the store saw me and asked how I was feeling and said "you don't LOOK any different". Huh? How exactly would my heart issue make me LOOK different? Other than the fact that I was no longer wearing a hospital gown? So I said well you could have seen just how sick I was had you bothered to visit me in the hospital. You could have heard a pin drop!! Guess I was having a "grouchy" day!

  5. It's just wrong but I laughed at the thought of keeping the hospital gown so you could work on that ill look.

  6. LOVE the e-cards! Hilarious!

    I HATE when people tell me I probably just need a nap. I took a nap. A four hour one. And I slept 12 hours last night. And I'll probably take another nap later today. And, I'm still tired. It's called chronic fatigue, dumbass. :)

    Love this post. If you don't mind, and if I can figure out how, I'd like to share this on my blog.

    1. Thanks Lindsay <3, I think at the bottom where it gives you sharing options "B" is to reblog.

  7. Great post! Has cheered me up a bit!

    x Hayley-Eszti

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This turned out pefect!! I love how you approached it from the "what I hear on a good day vs. what I hear on a bad day". Well done friend.

    1. Thanks. I thought it was important to let "the normal folks" know that it isn't so much the things that are said that are upsetting, it is really more the frustration. I mean really the 'but you don't look sick' is a huge thing for the chronically ill community but I'd be more offended if someone said "yeah I thought you looked a little off" ;)

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  12. tracy.rose@healthline.comMarch 7, 2013 at 4:49 AM


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  13. Excellent post. I was checking constantly this blog and I'm impressed! Very helpful information particularly the last part :) I care for such information a lot. I was seeking this certain info for a long time. Thank you and good luck.

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  14. I LOVE this one even more than the rest, and the bar was already set pretty damn high! Great article—again.

    1. Thanks Jeremy! I appreciate all your support!

  15. Thanks! Having had fibromyalgia since childhood, osteoarthritis and now BREAST CANCER I can completely relate to this. Glad I found you through thebloggess!!

    1. Goodness Julie, you are an overachiever! My 18 year old has fibro :(
      Glad you found me!

  16. Fantastic piece - I absolutely love your sarcastic honesty!

    1. and to think there was a time when all this sarcasm got me in trouble ;)
      Thanks for all your support!

  17. Just perfect! I've had those same exact thoughts sooooo many times (have Lupus and chronic lyme issues).

    Love your blog!

  18. Totally love this post! I have thought the same thing many times. Obviously, I have a lot of grumpy days or I know a lot of asses!

  19. I know exactly what you're talking about! I have a post on my blog about stuff not to say to people who are chronically ill. My biggest one I get is, "You're just depressed". I HATE that. I am not depressed. I'm chronically ill with POTS. Love this post! Nice blog! :)

    Daniel Lee Johnson

    1. Amen, depression deserves its own respect. I get down over the things I can't do but no, I am not depressed. Just like depression isn't chronic fatigue. I wish people wouldn't just overlap illnesses but take a minute and understand the differences.
      Glad to have you here!

  20. I just found you through #HAWMC, and I love this. I'll be hanging round for a while, catching up, laughing, agreeing etc

  21. I just loved and related well to this post. I liked it so well I shared it on my blog LOL People are ignorant at times and should think before they speak but they say ignorance is bliss LOL I suffer from major depressive disorder and have suffered from depression for the last 24 years. I thought that depression was something that would go away, boy was I wrong. I do control it somewhat with medication but it always seems that the medication could work just a little better LOL But I manage and I live somewhat normally Blogging keeps my sanity! And besides Blogging is cheaper than therapy. Oh yeah, I found your blog on the blog The Pursuit of Normal. Good luck to you and look forward to reading more posts!

    1. What? You mean you can't just snap out of that ;) Its is hard what something isn't working correctly inside of you and people can have a hard time understanding how much you want it to work. Blogging is good therapy.
      BTW I looove some Pursuit of Normal!
      I'll be checking you out too!

  22. I love this! So true. I have learned who my true friends are. A Chronic illness will show you quick. It was upsetting at first but I got over it. I posted on facebook or awhile and lived in a small town and what everyone was saying got back to me fast. So I stopped posting. In my opinion if they don't want to read it then delete me. Seriously!!! Don't want them as a friend anyway!

    1. It can be such a defining thing in relationships.

  23. Oh, I do hear you sister! We've hear many of those same things about Bethany. Especially the last one! That's one reason why I started blogging-so I could keep talking and people wouldn't have to be "burdened" or bored with listening!

    With Beth- people assumed when she was seizure free for 6 months that she was somehow cured of all her massive tumor/stroke/seizure brain damage and would suddenly be able to start living a normal life and thus I could start living a normal life. Never mind that she's still a 3 yr old in a 14 yr old body, still has moderate autism and all that goes with that diagnosis, and never mind that medications do not cure epilepsy!

    Wasn't there a song, "People just don't understand?"

    1. Sylvia,
      Love your blog and the way you share your families story. It is hard when people just don't understand this IS your normal life.
      Big love to you and Bethany!

  24. Just stumbled across this and it couldn't be more true!! The last sentence is incredibly powerful and unfortunately the reality much of the time.

  25. I get "you're looking good" all the time. 'well, thank you,' I think..' I'm glad you appreciate the work it took me to get presentable and leave the house.' I'm 2+years into my 5-7year "sentence" with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I also have chronic fatigue, depression, and the occasional panic attack. Deciding to go somewhere, or attend a function, is a Big decision. One that I know will cost all of my spoons for the day as well as the day after! Just going to a Dr. appt drains me for the day..the 45mile drive is enough on it's own!

  26. Amen and well said! For years I was my mother's primary care giver and learned very quickly about this very subject and so much more. My mom had Multiple Sclerosis, and it was something I watched her struggle with for years, especially the knowing that she wanted to do it, even told herself to do something...but it just would not happen. However on appearance she looked the same as always.

    Stopping in from the Show Off Weekend Blog Party! Have a great weekend!

  27. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  28. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  29. I have just come across this and it read so true to me, people just don't understand at all, I get told all the time, I don't look ill, as if to say are you sure you are ill? As if I would pretend to feel so bloomin awful all the time and let this illness dictate what I can and cant do..... I do however maintain a positive attitude to my life and have done for the 16 years I have been ill. Good luck to everyone with whatever you are battling xx
