Friday, January 11, 2013

My Designer Dog; Labradoodle and Goldendoodle discrimination

My dog faces discrimination

God I wish I were joking here but seriously for every 10 “oh my gosh your dog is so cute” I am bound to hear one dissertation on how ‘poodle mixes still cause allergens’ or ‘how in the world could you pay for  an overpriced mutt when there are so many in shelters?’

Crazy thing is it comes from both ends of the dog world spectrum, people with AKC purebreds and people who rescue. So in place of my usual Friday’s Letters, which normally consist of a few quickie lines to inanimate objects or people who cannot or are not interested in defending themselves on my Blog  (like my kids and celebrities) I've decided to tackle a few ‘designer dog’ issues.

** If you feel the need to argue these please feel free to comment, you can share this post with others who would like to argue too. The more the merrier J

**If you, like me, think who gives a whahoo about what kind of dog someone has you are pardoned from reading and may just glance at pics of my awesome dog and comment on her cuteness.

Goldendoodle cuteness

Poodle Mixes are not hypoallergenic –

It is true; dogs are animals and cannot be truthfully called hypoallergenic by definition. However many are allergy friendly.  If you find a reputable breeder (yes, I will tackle that next but there ARE reputable doodle breeders) you can work with them on your specific needs. Many people are allergic to a dog’s saliva and or dander. The first generation cross of poodle and lab or golden usually has a wide range of looks as well as shedding. Once you get to what is called an F1B in goldendoodle world, a low to non-shedding goldendoodle with a poodle the results are more consistent.

We did some standard allergy tests on 3 different pups from 2 different litters. My son reacted to one.  Temperament tests were done with the remaining two and we made our choice and signed Maggie up for live in puppy training before we were to pick her up.
Maggie does not shed and we've had no allergic reaction to her.
More information can be found at 

Goldendoodles make great napping buddies

No reputable Breeder would breed mixes –

By current short definition a reputable breeder breeds to advance their breeding program and for their love and devotion to purebred dogs.  Considering ALL dogs are a product of selective breeding the term purebred is kind of silly. Look for a breeder who screens their dogs for genetic problems, will tell you the good points as well as the bad points of the breed (doodles require lots of grooming), will usually insist puppies sold as pets be spayed/neutered, will usually take back any dog of their breeding at any age. Visit the location, use your judgment.

Goldendoodles are well read

Designer Dog cost hype –

In short, yes. I do believe the price of certain designer dogs is too high. There is a lot of hype over certain breeds like labradoodles and goldendoodles, supply and demand is what determines price. This isn't necessarily a breeder taking advantage this is an example of a free market. If someone is breeding a quality popular dog the asking price will be higher. Just be sure you are looking at a quality dog, many back yard mom and pop breeders are charging the same or slightly less than some quality breeding facilities with a full staff.

more Goldendoodle cuteness

Why not rescue –

For me personally the allergy testing made rescue seem like not as viable an option, however, don’t assume the couple down the street with three doodle dogs isn't rescuing! Wonderful agencies deal specifically with doodles. If you are in love with the doodle and want to rescue check out the following sites.

Doodle Rescue Collective
Poo Mix Rescue


  1. What a precious doodle! I've also gotten questions and comments by people who are pro-purebred, pro-rescue, pro-shedding dogs...the list could go on and on

  2. adorable pup! I have a labradoodle (who happens to be a rescue) and a poodle and am just pro dog!!! Enjoy her!!

  3. Um, can I just have your doodle? So incredibly cute! And I also wear glasses and can take a nap so I think we would be well matched. Loved this post!

    1. I don't think my Maggie could handle your dog ;)

  4. I'm not an animal person (I'm not even a people person, come to think of it... lol. Seriously.) so I don't have anything to comment on the whys and wherefores of how your dog got here. What I do have to say is that is probably the nicest looking dog I've ever seen in my life. I think I could stroke her all day, is she as soft as she looks? Awwww.

    M x

    1. Haha! Love it! She is just as soft as she looks.

  5. So adorable!! We have Schnauzers, have had this breed all my life. Supposed to be one of those "less allergen" types that aren't supposed to shed. I'll tell you right now that the two I have now somehow lost that "no shed" gene somewhere down the line!! Still love them though, although I do have to vacuum more often :(

  6. Lots of assumptions out there. People wonder about my car stickers "Goldendoodles" & "Adopt- a new attitude" . I don't mind them asking - it's a good conversation to have. Gotta find another sticker now for blind puppy mill dogs........:)

  7. Okay, I LOVE your dog. I am huge a dog lover - I don't have my own (yet) due to apartment restrictions, but I have photos of all my "dogfriends" up on my fridge, along with pics of my human friends. I love ALL dogs, rescues, champion bred, purebreeds, mutts - it doesn't matter. So, while I did read your post, I mostly just swooned over the photos of your adorably cute dog :)

  8. He is so stinkin' cute! We are dog lovers and have had pure breeds and rescues and to tell you the truth, we love our dogs equally and would expect that most dog owners do too. No condemnation on either side from our family. Found you through Bloggy Moms.

    1. love the name Pary Moppins!! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. LOVE Maggie-doodle and LOVE that she loves the mutt-rescue dog down the street:)

  10. I love your doodle. He look exactly like mine. And I agree with you that it is great to adopt. But I know for me, I got mine at 21. If I adopted a dog and it turned out sick I could never afford to take care of it. Plus still living with my parents who have bad allergies I had to be very careful with what kind of dog I got. Plus I just love my goldendoodle, he is everything I could have ever wanted even though he is still a crazy puppy.

  11. Wondering if she is free Saturday night? I enjoy long walks by the ocean and eating dinner by candlelight! What a cutie! P.S. If she's not into short men, then she need not reply~

  12. I have a website/blog devoted to discussing a designer breed called a Pomsky (Siberian Husky and Pomeranian mix). I haven't gotten around to putting a post up on the "mixed breed are mutts" and "how dare you buy a designer breed instead of rescue" type criticisms. But those people are out of control. It is amazing how self-righteous and holier-than-thou some of them are.

    If you ever get around to it...before I do...and you want to syndicate it with a guest post on my site, I would love to have it. Or any other posts you have done. I am always looking to share great content with our readers and help send traffic to other bloggers.

    If you have any interest in that, please send me an email. It is prominently located at my website:

    Pomsky Information

    1. The web address didn't come through... off to Google Pomsky ;)

    2. Just wanted to follow up to see if there was still an interest. The URL is visible on my end.

      You can email me at:

      info (at) pomskyhq (dot) com

      Hope to hear from you.

  13. That is one cute dog, whether from a pet store, rescue shelter, or breeder!
    Justin Knight- Writing Pad Dad
    Writing Pad Dad Blog

  14. Curious, how did you go about allergy testing the pups and your son? Looking at getting a dog and would really like to test for one of our kids first. Thanks!

    1. Hi there, Sorry this has taken so long. We actually moved the blog over to and I haven't checked over here in awhile.
      We weren't in the same location as the breeder so I purchased plain white Tshirts and the bigger zip lock bags. I washed the tshirts in our detergent and mailed them to the breeder.
      The breeder then rubbed each T shirt on 3 different pups we were considering (2 from the same liter and 1 from another). They rubbed the body of the pup as well as has the pup lick the shirt and put each shirt in a separate zip lock bag and mailed them right back to me.
      Okay, I thought all of this was corny busy work and didn't have much faith in it.
      Sure enough when I put one of the shirts on my son he immediately broke out so we took it off and bathed him. Poor kiddo was congested the rest of the day. We waited until the next day and he had no reaction to the other two pups.

  15. Cute dog! Can you email me when you get a chance? I've got a few questions for you.

    1. Hi Shaye, hitting you up on google+. Sorry it took me so long. I moved over to

  16. Ohmigosh! Cuteness overload. We are looking for an allergen friendly dog for our child with Autism. My hubby is less than convinced of the doodles adorable-ness. I am in love with your doggy.

  17. Awww It never fails to amaze me their cuteness. I love the aura and effect of these cute creatures to me. i love those labradoodle photos especially with her eyeglass, LOL.

    Amey xoxox
    Labradoodle Puppies for Sale

  18. Doodle love! I have labradoodles. Actually, I had two males, who were stolen from me.....which made my heart hurt. Then the breeder I got the males from called me and is allowing the mother of my males to retire with us...which is great. She looks so much like our Stark! Anyway, doodles are great. I grew up in pure bred AKC and UKC show rings. Hands down there is no better dog than the doodle...I love these dogs and I am putting my energy into getting them recognized. You keep doing what your doing and love that doodle!!

  19. does an F1 curly haired labradoodle shed a lot.

    1. Usually the curlier the less likely for shedding

  20. I agree. They actually thought that labradoodle may cause allergy to their owner but its not true because I also have a labradoodle and I enjoy taking care of him.

  21. Your doodle is so cute! I have two goldendoodles and have heard all the same things as you. Most people say their adorable but I have had a few jerks call them overpriced mutts. My female doodle has a wavy coat and sheds a little from her legs, but my male is super curly and 100% shed-free! I think what your really paying for is, yes the hypoallergenic coat, but also the temperment. I love my doodles and think they were well worth the price tag!

  22. Hello, I know this was posted over a year ago, but hopefully you will reply! I am doing some research on Goldendoodles-- it's the only breed my husband and I both love (I was thinking Bichon, he was thinking Lab-- this is a pretty great compromise). However, the pricing is outrageous-- I'm seeing about $3,000. Can you please let me know if this is about what you paid? If not, would you be so kind as to share your breeder information? I'm terrified of all the stories I've heard of buying from a breeder without a recommendation. Thank you!

  23. Hello, I know this was posted over a year ago, so I understand you might not reply. My husband and I are doing research on Goldendoodles and they seem like the perfect dog for us. However, I'm finding that the reputable breeders charge around $3,000. I've heard horror stories of buying dogs without a recommendation and would love one if you would recommend your breeder (and he wasn't 3k!). Thank you!
