Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 13 of 2013

My 13 of 2013

* continue to bring awareness to often unknown and/or misunderstood invisible chronic illnesses like Dysautonomia and Fibromyalgia

* finish my novella to the point of a query letter to my top hopeful agencies

* narrow focus on the next writing project and write it

* find time to continue to read

* continue to build Just Mildly Medicated and include a product line

* work on the balance of accepting my illness and pushing my limits

* reconnect with family I haven't seen in many years and stay connected to the ones I see daily

* improve organization and time management

* go out when I can and stay in when I need to; try and know the difference

* focus on the pride and let go of the fear that my big girl is graduating and moving out

* listen to my boys and all the ideas they have for books

* wear my glasses every day all day and do my MFBF therapy

* stop procrastinating and make arrangements for the Mayo Clinic


  1. So glad to hear from you! I actually have suspected for a long time now that I have some form of Dysautonomia although I don't have the symptoms of POTS. I have tried beta blockers with no luck. Anyway, thanks for stopping by mom blog! I am following you back!
    Can't wait to read more of your posts!
    Katie from Dysfunction Junction

    1. Katie,
      It is so hard to find a doc with knowledge of dysautonomia. http://www.dinet.org/index.htm has a lot of great info as well as a state by state list of doctors who are known for understanding dysautonomia.
      <3 Carrie

  2. I agree-great goals! My husband and I have a similar situation with our son. We are semi empty nesters and it will takes its toll on you when they take the next best step. Take care-

  3. These are awesome! You have some big stuff to work towards this year! Be kind to yourself as you approach them! I love the "try to know the difference" you tacked on to the one toward the end. This is so important in so many aspects of our life. Thanks for the reminder;)

    Looking forward to hearing some success reports!
