Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday's Letters

Friday’s Letters

Dear 9 year old son,
Way to stick it to the man with that whole barfing spaghetti while sleeping on your top bunk bed last night. By stick it to the man I mean your Dad since he was stuck on barf duty.

Dear 4 year old daughter,
While I admit you are very entertaining, however, this imaginary friend from imaginary dance class who broke her arm only to have it fall off a week later should really not be shared with everyone we meet. I mean I can share it all over the internet but it is a bit awkward in person with strangers. 
Thank you for your consideration,
PS I know you are thinking it... yes I am pretty sure her imaginary friend is a well choreographed- tutu wearing- imaginary dance class attending- FREAKIN ZOMBIE WALKER!

Dear 18 year old daughter,
Could you chill with the whole 18 thing, I am starting to feel a bit on the old side.  Most of my friends know I have decided to stop aging at 28 so this is heading in a Jerry Springerish direction…
Keep aging and I will cut you,

Dear 7 year old son,
Like a Boss my son, like a Boss! Hubby went to have lunch with him at school and kiddo said he couldn't sit with his dad until he finished his job. This week he was in charge of transporting the class lunch boxes to the cafeteria. That kind of work ethic is bound for at least middle management!

Dearest Hubby,
Thanks for picking up this gals slack when the spoons ran out, the fork you gave me was quite nice also…
The Spoon Theory  <~~ if you don't know it click here


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